Saturday, February 13, 2010

GnRH Agonists-Definition, Effects,The Good, Risks and side Effects

I. Definition
GnRH is a hormone released by the hypothalamus which stimulates the pituitary to produce luteinising hormones (LH) and follicle that stimulate hormone (FSH) to drive a menstrual cycle.

II. Effectiveness of GnRH
Just likes progesterone-like agonists, GnRH ( gonadotrophin-releasing hormone) have been used in treating endometriosis, for more than 20 years. They come in different forms: three-monthly injection, monthly injection, daily injection and nasal spray because of their chemical make up. GnRH are natural hormone blocking medicines, they help to stop the ovulation and create a temporary menopause state.
Study shows that GnRH are effective in reducing the symptoms and the size of endometrial implants but unfortunately, symptoms tend to return after stopping treatment in 4 months.

III. The Good
1) It helps to induce a menopause state, thereby reducing symptoms of menstrual cramps.
2.) It also uses to treat heavy menstruation, if other drugs failed.
3) Ovulation usually comes back within a month of stopping the drugs.
4) Reduce symptoms and sizes of endometrial implants because the drug creates the menopause state and stop the ovulation.
5) It can be given as an injection one a month or nostril spray.
6) Endometrial implants may be returned back to it original size within a few months after stop taking the medicine.

III. Risks
1. Loss of bone density
Loss of bone density is normal for women taking the GnRH drug. Since it causes menopause state, it deplete the calcium in the body that is essential for building a healthy bone. It also distorts the ratio of magnesium and calcium.
2) Reducing sexual desire
Sexual libido may be caused by dry vagina, one of many symptoms of GnRH. It may also be caused by low level of estrogen that is essential for driving sexual desire.
3) Increase the risk of developing of ovarian cysts.

IV. Side effects
a) Hot flush, dry vagina caused by temporary of menopause state.
b) Loss of libido caused by low level of estrogen and vagina dryness.
c) Loss of bone density caused by low level of estrogen and progesterone.
d) Nutritional deficiency caused by symptoms of menopause state as our body is no longer absorb magnesium and calcium effectively.

I hope this information will help. If you need more information or insurance advices, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:

1 comment:

  1. It is no secret that I have a very deep and personal relationship with God. I have pushed and resisted that relationship this past year through all the bullshit I have had to go through living with Herpes but once again, God is bigger than my stubbornness and broke through that outbreak cold sore and all I had Genital Herpes. For me personally, hearing over and over how I am not good enough has really invaded my mind in the worst way possible. I completely shut down and I was just waking up like is this how life going to end this temporary herpes outbreak “fuck everybody with herpes if you know what I mean” but let's be honest here...
    It is a cowardly to say no to herbal medicine. It is fear based. And it is dishonest to what my heart wants. Don't build a wall around yourself because you are afraid of herbals made or taking a bold step especially when it's come to health issues and getting cure. So many young men/ women tell me over and over that Dr Itua is going to scam me but I give him a try to today I feel like no one will ever convince me about herbal medicine I accept Dr Itua herbal medicine because it's cure my herpes just two weeks of drinking it and i have been living for a year and months now I experience outbreak no more, You can contact him if you need his herbal medicine for any such diseases like, Herpes, Schizophrenia,Cancer,Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic,Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob,Dairies,Lyme Disease,Epilepsy, ,ALS,Hepatitis,Copd,Parkinson disease.Genetic disease,Fibrodysplasia disease,Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Men/Woman infertility, bowel disease ,Huntington's disease ,Diabetes,Fibroid. disease,Lupus,Lipoid Storage diseases( Gauchers disease),Polycystic Disease.,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Cirrhosis of Liver,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic,HIV, Epilepsy, Infertility, Love Spell,. then what's app.+2348149277967.... My advice to any sick men/women out there is simple... Be Always an open book. Be gut wrenching honest about yourself, your situation, and what you are all about. Don't hold anything back. Holding back will get you nowhere...maybe a one way ticket to lonelyville and that is NOT somewhere you want to be. So my final truth...and I'm just starting to grasp this one..
